Rise of the Thots

Hello. my name is A. Nellsex. When I was young, I dealt with a lot of thottery, and watched countless men die at the hands of thots. As a person trying to become a Thot Slayer, it is my duty to protect the planet from these vile creatures known as thots. I am currently studying the art of Anti-Thottery, but I know I have a long way to go.

The War Against The Thots 

It all started with a group called the "Virgin Killers" being formed. Over 900 young men had lost their virginity to them within a few days of the formation of the group. The world was in a panic, and more thots were coming out of hiding to join the group. Packs of wild thots were going on a rampage, with no one to stop them. The War Against The Thots had begun.
It wasn't over, though. 3 brave men whom people called the "Thot Slayers" came out and fought them one by one. Everyday, the population of the Virgin Killers kept going down because these 3 men were working day and night to get rid of them. However, two had been killed in a fierce battle against the Queen of the Thots, Kim Kardashian. The last Thot Slayer, Hugh Mungus, had no chance of winning against her and her army, so he ran off to a place, far, far away where no one would find him.

The Rise of the Ultimate Thot Slayer

When Hugh Mungus was in hiding, he found a child all by himself, living in solitude.. He named him "Ben Dover", and taught him the art of Anti-Thotteryship; he trained Ben for years and years until he died at the hands of Kim Kardashian.
Since the thots found out the location of his hiding spot, Dover had to go off in the mountains, and seek refuge. However, that hope was short-lived when he was ambushed by four, powerful thots. Though my Hugh Mungus had trained him in the art of Anti-Thottery, he was scared, but despite being outnumbered, he stood his ground. The thots were surprised by this, and he managed to destroy them all.  
Years passed, and Ben Dover was known as "The Chosen One", the one who would defeat every single thot in the world. An academy was built around his house, where he would train young men to become Thot Slayers. Some of these men would create their own group called the "Thot Patrol", functioning exactly like the police, but going after thots instead of regular people. Advanced technology was made to detect and defeat thots.

End of the War

On Year 15 of the war, Ben Dover had nearly driven the Thots to extinction, but Kim Kardashian and her three royal Thot Guards proved too much for him and his army of Thot Slayers. Unfortunately, things didn't go according to the scriptures, and Ben was killed in a harsh and fierce battle. The Thot Slayers mourned his death and retreated, but they wouldn't let this be the end of the war. A statue of Ben Dover was built near the academy as a memorial of his bravery, and his legacy still lives on to this day.

The Present

Currently, no one knows where the Virgin Killers are hiding; only the thots do. Even when the Thot Patrol interrogate them, they give no answers, so it is futile to question a thot. Their numbers have skyrocketed, and now the population of thots are far more than anyone can possibly fathom. Rumours have it that they're building their secret weapon, much more power than Kim Jong-Un's nuke; the Dog Filter. When I become a Thot Slayer, I will enrol into the Thot Patrol. I must become the one who will defeat Kim Kardashian and exterminate every thot.